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*My Body Butters ​are made with wonderfully rich oils and butters infused with Chamomile and Calendula for their therapeutic properties to help sooth and heal dry chapped skin. ​
I make all types of gift baskets from $10.00 to $100.00
Need a Gift Basket?
​Body Butter

​$7.00 a 2 oz tin
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*Build your own Body Butter*
​Choose you own sent combinations
​from my list of essential oils 
*essential oils:
​lavender, rosewood, clary sage, pine, rosemary, peppermint, camphor, sweet orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, bergamot, cedar wood, cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, eucalyptus, lemongrass, frankincense, juniper, patchouli, cardamom, ylang-ylang, ​tea tree
*all natural fragrance:
coconut, pineapple, vanilla, cherry ​
Body Butter